Followup services with i3Soft
Followup services for HMRs and RMMRs will be remunerated as a clinical service for accredited pharmacists from April 2020.
i3Soft has worked hard to integrate followup services deeply into the workflow, to make creating these services very quick and easy.
Followup services are directly linked to your HMR and RMMR reviews, where you set a date that an issue requires followup.
email notifications are sent on the day of followup when you can create a followup service. All the great features from patient services like MedeLists and Morisky Questionnaires are available, and all of the data is copied over automatically. Your previous issues are visible on the screen, to quickly allow you to reference your original service.
All of this lets you focus on the important part, working on your report to make a professional patient service in a timely fashion.
Like all i3Soft reports, the pro-forma language and outputs are customisable to your requirements.